Booth rental offer

We have experienced conference interpreting from the perspective of both interpreters and organisers of international meetings and conferences. As far as rental of simultaneous interpreting booths is concerned, our offer will meet the expectations of each of these groups. We carry out orders quickly, with considerable cost reduction and without unnecessary formalities.

The Interpreting Booth offer is addressed to:

  • interpreters and interpreting companies,
  • organisers of live and online conferences,
  • individual clients serving high-level meetings.

Explore your benefits

Interpreter / Translation Agency

Work comfort


  • Conditions enabling full attention and quality interpretation.
  • Ability to handle several conferences in different locations - from one place. Even on the same day!
  • Office located in Poland (Warsaw) from which you can interpret a conference anywhere in the world.





  • The highest European and global sound insulation standards.
  • Interpreters' safety (air exchange in the booth - several times per hour).

Booth service


  • No transportation, installation, space for the booth (working from our premises).
  • Access to technical support.
  • One contract for renting the booth for simultaneous interpreting and the simultaneous system.

Interpreter / Translation Agency

Work comfort


  • Conditions enabling full attention and quality interpretation.
  • Ability to handle several conferences in different locations - from one place. Even on the same day!
  • Office located in Poland (Warsaw) from which you can interpret a conference anywhere in the world.





  • The highest European and global sound insulation standards.
  • Interpreters' safety (air exchange in the booth - several times per hour).

Booth service


  • No transportation, installation, space for the booth (working from our premises).
  • Access to technical support.
  • One contract for renting the booth for simultaneous interpreting and the simultaneous system.

Conference organiser

Work comfort


  • Ensure high-quality interpretation and two-way communication.
  • Possibility to place all interpreters in one location, without the need to adapt rooms to the presence of booths.




  • Compatibility with popular videoconferencing platforms.
  • Possibility of working with dedicated software.
  • Meets ISO 4043 requirements.

Booth service


  • Remote booth - cost reduction (transport, logistics, installation, commuting, etc.).
  • Work of hired translators from our premises.
  • Access to technical support.

Conference organiser

Work comfort


  • Ensure high-quality interpretation and two-way communication.
  • Possibility to place all interpreters in one location, without the need to adapt rooms to the presence of booths.




  • Compatibility with popular videoconferencing platforms.
  • Possibility of working with dedicated software.
  • Meets ISO 4043 requirements.

Booth service


  • Remote booth - cost reduction (transport, logistics, installation, commuting, etc.).
  • Work of hired translators from our premises.
  • Access to technical support.

High-level meetings

Work comfort


  • Provide participants with professional communication tools in keeping with the importance of the event.
  • Meeting the high demands of language skills in the global political or cultural area.
  • Comfortable interpretation to ensure high quality.



  • Compatibility with dedicated video conferencing platforms.
  • World-class standards and quality of interpretation.
  • Provide simultaneous interpretation in different language combinations.

Booth service


  • Possibility to use a professional remote booth for simultaneous interpretation when participants of a meeting are joined from small rooms
  • in the same or different buildings (offices and institutions).
  • Access to professional technical assistance necessary for the professional management of the event.

High-level meetings

Work comfort


  • Provide participants with professional communication tools in keeping with the importance of the event.
  • Meeting the high demands of language skills in the global political or cultural area.
  • Comfortable interpretation to ensure high quality.



  • Compatibility with dedicated video conferencing platforms.
  • World-class standards and quality of interpretation.
  • Provide simultaneous interpretation in different language combinations.

Booth service


  • Possibility to use a professional remote booth for simultaneous interpretation when participants of a meeting are joined from small rooms
  • in the same or different buildings (offices and institutions).
  • Access to professional technical assistance necessary for the professional management of the event.

Rental of booths for simultaneous interpreting

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