Privacy Policy


The creators of this website have made every effort to ensure that the published information is consistent with the current state. However, potentially incorrect information on the website cannot be the basis for legal claims. If you have any doubts about our offer, please contact us by phone or e-mail.



By using this website or providing us with personal data, the user agrees to collect and use his/her personal data in a manner that does not violate his/her privacy. The Administrator declares and assures that the personal data provided by the user shall be stored and used with due care in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.



The Administrator shall use personal data provided by the user during registration in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dz. U. 2002.101.926 z późn zm.). Therefore, personal data, in particular: surname, first name, will be collected electronically on the Portal.



The Administrator has the right to compile anonymous information about the user, which may be processed and transferred for statistical purposes.



The user declares that he/she has been informed about the way, scope, place, and purpose of collecting and processing his/her personal data and gives his/her consent to it by reading the section Privacy Policy.




The website uses cookies.

  • Cookies are small text information sent by a web server and stored on the user's side. The default parameters of cookies allow only the server that created them to read the information they contain. Cookies on this website include the website's name from which they come, the time of storing them on the end device and a unique number. The entity placing cookies on the end device of the Service User and gaining access to them is the service operator or entities cooperating with it.
  • There are two types of cookies used within the service: Session (once every one browser session) and permanent (until the browser data is cleared or specified in the cookies' parameters or until the user deletes them).
  • Web browsing software (internet browser) usually allows the storage of cookies in the user's terminal equipment by default. Users of the website may change their settings in this regard. The Internet browser makes it possible to delete cookies. It is also possible to block cookies automatically. Detailed information on this subject is contained in the help or documentation of the Internet browser.
  • Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect selected functionalities available on the website.

Rental of booths for simultaneous interpreting

I agree to the processing of data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please disable cookies in your browser. More →

Changes to the Privacy Policy

In accordance with the legal requirements imposed by the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing of the Directive 95/46/WE, a new Privacy Policy applies on this Website, which contains all information regarding the collection, processing, and protection of personal data of users of this Website.

Furthermore, we remind you that for the correct operation of the website we use information stored in cookie files. You can change the cookies settings in the settings of your browser. If you do not agree to the use of cookies on this Website, please change the settings in your browser or leave the Website.

Privacy Policy